Pug2Play system – look at your business from a completely different perspective

The functional Pug2Play software will help you in the efficient, comprehensive, and effective management of the entertainment center or the gaming zone. The range of refined options and solutions offered by software is the result of real experiences related to the operation of family entertainment zones. Thanks to Pug2Play, you will gain access to precise financial data and analysis of your clients’ activity and preferences. In addition, you will gain full control over the inventory of prizes and access to real-time settlements, as well as improve employee supervision.

Pug2Play will allow you to analyze and optimize game and solvency costs on an ongoing basis, set pricing strategies and plan promotions. Remote management with Pug2Play in the 24/7 mode, alerts, reports – these are just some of the numerous functionalities of the system that will help you make optimal business decisions. Are you ready for double-digit revenue growth and a similar scale of cost reduction with Pug2Play?



What are the problems of the industry?

  • the need for constant employee control,
  • losses in the number of prizes issued,
  • technical problems and failures of payment terminals or cash registers,
  • time-consuming income and cost settlements and stock supervision,
  • time losses for employees.

What solutions are we bringing?

  • a card system that allows to build a group of loyal customers,
  • a manager account with full control over employees 24/7,
  • supervision of the number of prizes issued and the current view of stock levels,
  • automatically generated financial reports and analyzes, which are the basis for optimizing business decisions,
  • arranging additional time for employees to deal with the guests of the game zone,
  • cashless turnover.

ul. Klonowa 25
10-155 Olsztyn
798 954 282

© 2022 Kardacz Group Konrad Kardacz

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